home of the John Couper family, was located on the northeast
part of St. Simons Island. Some of the old coastal places
grew to have a personality of their own, formed by all the
lives that touched them; but the Couper plantation was a
setting for the magnetic personality of its owner. A man of
distinction was John Couper, Esquire, well over six feet in
height, with keen blue eyes and red hair., He was cultured,
charming, witty, a great raconteur and a famous host. With
the sense of humor and spirit of mischief that had been his
chief characteristics as a boy in Scotland, he used to claim
that he had come to this country for the good of his native
land. And indeed the fun-loving boy must have been a sore
trial to his dignified Presbyterian minister father. John
Couper might chuckle over the memory of throwing snowballs
at a newly wedded couple as they emerged from his father's
kirk in Lochwinnoch Parish, but Preacher Couper saw no humor
in the escapade. After a succession of such pranks it was
probably not hard for young John to persuade his father to
allow him to come to the new colony as so many of his fellow
Scotsmen had done, and where he was to live zestfully for
three quarters of a century.
When he was only sixteen years old John Couper arrived in
Georgia as an apprentice to the Savannah branch of an
English business firm which soon afterward moved to Florida
for the duration of the Revolutionary War. Some ten years
later young Couper went into business in Sunburv where he
became a prosperous merchant and a justice of Liberty
County. He married Rebecca Maxwell of the Midway community,
and their first child, James Hamilton Couper, was born in
Sunbury. After the Couper-Hamilton partners bought their
coastal properties, John Couper's interests turned to
agriculture, and he and his wife decided to make their
permanent home on St. Simons.
The Couper propertv included widely scattered tracts, some
on the northeast part of the island, some along the eastern
side, and others at the south end; but John and Rebecca
Couper selected Cannon's Point for their homesite. The
Point, said to have been named for Daniel Cannon, one of the
original colonists, lies between the Hampton River and Jones
Creek, and it was here overlooking the river that the
Coupers built the house in which they were to live for half
a century. Referred to in Fanny Kemble's journal as a
"roomy, comfortable, handsomely laid out mansion," it was
further described by another visitor as a "fine
three-storied mansion with a veranda running, all around and
a large portico on either side."
With a natural aptitude toward scientific agricultural
experiment and the traditional green thumb of the Scotsman,
John Couper became one of the leading agriculturists in the
world. Cannon's Point was not only one of the finest cotton
plantations, but one of the most unusual and interesting
estates in the South. James Hamilton, whose business
interests took him to the far comers of the world, sent
cotton seeds and plants to John Couper for experiment on the
St. Simons plantation; and under the expert and intelligent
care of this master of agriculture, long staple sea island
cotton was developed to its highest perfection. Couper was
also one of the first of the coastal planters to experiment
successfully with the cultivation of sugar cane.
In the gardens of the Cannon's Point Plantation grew every
fruit and flower, every shrub and tree that could be induced
to thrive in its surroundings. There were groves of lemons
and oranges, and there were date palms imported from
Persia. When Thomas Jefferson was President he was
interested in experimenting with the culture of olives in
the United States, and he advised John Couper to order some
olive trees from Marseilles. Acting upon Jefferson's
advice, Couper imported two hundred trees, and since olives
thrive near the sea in soil rich with the calcium of shell,
the grove at Cannon's Point yielded well and a fine quality
of oil was pressed from the fruit.
In spite of his absorbing interest in agricultural
experiment John Couper found time for varied outside
activities. One of the most influential citizens of early
Georgia. he served as a member of the legislature, and in
1798 was a representative from Glynn County to the
convention which drew up the state constitution. He was one
of the first vestrymen of Christ Church, president of the
Union Agricultural Society, a lifelong member of the St.
Simons Hunt Club, and the first president of the St. Andrews
Society of Darien. The first St. Simons lighthouse was
built upon land given to the government from the Couper
tract at the south end of the island, site of old Fort St.
Simons. Although he was a man of universal interests, said
to have known intimately more prominent men in the United
States and in Europe than any other man in the South, most
of John Couper's busy life was spent at his plantation home
where he delighted in his family and friends, in his
gardens, his books and paintings, and his view of the river.
From time to time early nineteenth century newspapers
carried items of interest from the Cannon's Point
Plantation. In an old copy of the Georgia Gazette
under the heading "Rapid Vegetation" we are told that "Some
English Peas brought by a British brig from Liverpool were
planted by Mr. Couper of St. Simons Jan. 10. On the 27th of
Feb. that gentleman sent the captain of the brig a peck of
fine peas from the same seed." And in the columns of the
Darien Gazette: "There is an old liveoak stump on Mr.
Couper's plantation (St. Simons) from which the original
sternpost of the Constitution was taken. Shortly
after the capture of the Guerriere by that vessel a
Bay Tree sprung up from the centre of the old stump-and has
continued to flourish ever since-and as an evergreen may be
seen at all times of the year constantly increasing in
beautv and strength. We are told that Mr. C. guards it with
uncommon care." A later newspaper relates that Mr. Couper
was so impressed by the symbolism of a bay laurel crowning
the Constitution Oak that he expressed his thoughts in an
article and some original verse which brought interested
letters from many people in this country and abroad. As a
number of the writers requested souvenirs, the genial master
of Cannon's Point had paper weights, inkwells, vases, and
other small articles carved of wood from the famous stump to
be sent to all who wished them.
Far from being the dour and penurious Scotsman of tradition,
John Couper was one of the jolliest and most generous of
men, the kind of individual who might have been described by
Dr. Johnson as the "most unscottified of his country's men."
His quick wit and humor, his wide knowledge of nature, of
literature, and of life, and his inexhaustible store of
anecdotes made him a delightful companion. Visitors came
from far and near to see his orchards, fields, and gardens,
and stayed to enjoy his witty and learned conversation and
his lavish hospitality. The fabulous dishes concocted by
Sans Foix of Cannon's Point are legendary. This famous
cook's method of preparing a boned turkey that retained its
original appearance was a secret never revealed; a spotless
white cloth always at hand concealed the mystic rites from
anyone who dared invade the sanctity of the kitchen. The
master of Cannon's Point taught his fiddler Johnny to play
the pipes for the entertainment of visitors; and once when a
committee was meeting to discuss the purchase of an organ
for the church the incorrigible Mr. Couper arrived with his
man Johnny, complete with bagpipes, and suggested him as a
substitute for the organ.
The five Couper children were taught at home until each in
turn went away to school; but even when some of the sons and
daughters were absent the house at Cannon's Point was always
full. When the Basil Halls visited the Coupers their little
daughter Eliza "was much pleased with the number of children
at Cannon's Point and not five minutes after her arrival
went scampering about the passages with them." Relatives and
friends came to spend a week with the hospitable family and
were made welcome for a vear, while their children shared
the tutor who taught two generations of young Coupers.
Although the Couper boys spent their school and college
years away from the plantation, all three inherited their
father's love of agriculture. In a letter to his family in
Scotland John Couper humorously outlined plans for one of
his sons: an education in New England followed by a period
of study in Europe, after which he was to return to St.
Simons "to plant cowpeas and pumpkins as his father has
As for the girls, they received the usual education for
young ladies of the day. When the eldest daughter was
enrolled in Miss Datty's Boarding School in Charleston her
curriculum included French, drawing, music, and dancing; and
her love of pretty clothes is seen in bills for
"disbursements made by Miss Julia Datty on account of Miss
Ann Couper." One such bill lists eight pairs of shoes at a
dollar and a quarter a pair, innumerable gloves at fifty
cents a pair, a net handkerchief at two dollars and a half,
and a tortoise-shell comb three dollars. "Ribbands" were a
large item, as was embroidery silk.
In 1815 dainty Miss Ann was married to young Captain John
Fraser of the British Army, and the couple lived in London
for a few years. Some of her letters enclosed curls from
the heads of their first two babies, curls which still gleam
brightly between the time-yellowed pages of the letters.
She enjoyed the gayety of London social life, and still with
her girlhood love of pretty clothes, wrote her mother in
1820, "I am in want of a Pelisse silk velvet but the price
is so enormous in this Country. Knowing that those articles
are comparatively cheap with you I must beg if convenient
you will send me twelve yards of Royal Purple-also one pair
white, one pair black silk stockings."
Even after the older Couper children were grown, the
household at Cannon's Point grew larger instead of smaller.
When the Frasers returned to the United States to live, they
remained for some years with the Coupers, and several of
their nine children were born at Cannon's Point. Also the
place was a second home for the eight children of the James
Hamilton Coupers of Hopeton. A mutually enjoyed
companionship existed between John Couper and his
grandchildren. Descendants tell how the master of Cannon's
Point, a lover of nature in her every mood, would march
around the veranda during the wildest storms, arm-in-arm
with one of his young granddaughters who shared his
exultation in the elemental fury of the wind; and he and his
grandsons were sometimes the despair of John Couper's eldest
son, dignified James Hamilton Couper, whom they called "the
old gentleman."
The respect which the world of agriculture felt for the
experiments made by the master of Cannon's Point was not
always shared by his own household. During a time when
every known variety of grape had been imported from Europe
in an attempt to revive the region's early interest in wine
making one of the children wrote plaintively to an absent
member of the family that the garden was "very grapy."
In spite of all the experiments, cotton remained the
principal source of income at the Cannon's Point
Plantation. The exposed situation of the fields improved
the quality of the cotton, but at the same time made it more
vulnerable to the tropical hurricanes that sometimes struck
just before the crop matured or before the mature cotton
could be picked. John Couper had been able to take in
stride the loss of a hundred thousand dollar crop in the
hurricane of 1804 and to recoup the heavy losses suffered by
embargoes and seizure of a large number of his slaves by the
enemy in the War of 1812. In the hurricane of 1824 the
"loss at Cannon's Point was incalculable, as the sea broke
in and deluged the whole Point, sweeping away buildings,
undoing the labor of years;" and when loss of the 1825 crop
by an unprecedented plague of caterpillars was followed by a
drop in cotton prices, the Cannon's Point Plantation found
itself in serious financial difficulties.
Since the acres that had supported scores of people were now
scarcely making expenses, the planter was faced with the
problem of providing for all of those who were dependent
upon him, his family and his "people," as he always called
his slaves. With wry humor he commented in a letter, "8%
compound interest I found to be the real perpetual motion."
A practical man, a man of sound judgment and calm wisdom,
with the philosopher's reasonable attitude toward the
triumphs and disappoinnnents of life, he saw that he must
relinquish the greater part of his coastal holdings. After
the larger part of his property was sold to his partner,
James Hamilton, a letter to his brother in Glasgow is
typical of those characteristics which distinguished the
man: "I saw no hope of paying my debts and retaining my
property.... I thought it best during my life to meet the
storm." And just as John Couper had marched exultantly in
the teeth of the gales that swept in from the sea, so he met
the storms of circumstance - a "man of cheerful yesterdays
and confident tomorrows."
Their financial problems solved, the Coupers retained their
beloved Cannon's Point, where they lived happily past their
golden wedding anniversary. After his wife's death in 1845,
John Couper spent his remaining years with his eldest son's
family at Hopeton Plantation. He died in 1850, having lived
for ninety-one years in what he always considered the best
of all possible worlds. He and his wife are buried in old
Christ Church Cemetery on St. Simons as are many members of
his family. John Couper's epitaph, all but indecipherable
in the time-stained marble of his monument, says "his long
life was devoted to the duty of rendering himself most
acceptable to his Creator by doing the most good to His
The plantation at Cannon's Point continued to be planted in
cotton and was used as a summer home for the James Hamilton
Couper family. And so another generation of young people
grew up in the beautiful old place, with the long happy days
for horseback riding, boating, and picnicking, and the
moonlight nights for music and dancing.
After the war Cannon's Point Plantation was rented to
various tenants, but there was no successful cultivation of
the land that had once been famous for its abundance. In
1876 when the Reverend James Leigh was at Butler Island, he
and James Maxwell Couper of Altama spent a day at Cannon's
Point. The house was untenanted, and the fields and gardens
were overgrown. Old Rina, one of the family servants, was
delighted to have company and she served a meal of Scotch
broth, cold beef, duck, potatoes, hominy, and rice. The two
men wandered about the deserted place and talked about old
times, and James Maxwell Couper dug some roses and bulbs
from his grandfather's garden to take back to Altama. The
bulbs were later transplanted to the garden of the Couper
residence on Ponce de Leon Avenue in Atlanta where they
multiplied and bloomed fragrantly each spring for half a
century. When the Atlanta house was razed to make way for
progress, the bulbs were moved again and planted in the
gardens of old John Couper's great-great-grandchildren, from
where some of them finally found their way back to Altama
through a gift to the owners of the plantation.
Cannon's Point eventually passed into other hands, and the
fields were again cultivated to some extent. It is related
that the olive trees were still bearing, and that oil made
from the fruit was exhibited at the Exposition of 1898. We
are also told that the remaining part of the old
Constitution stump was sent to Atlanta to be displayed
at the Exposition. The Cannon's Point house burned near the
turn of the century, and all that remained of the Couper
home was the kitchen fireplace and chimney where Sans Foix
cooked his fabulous meals. Great oleanders bloom around the
crumbling foundations of the old house; a few silver-green
olive trees mav 0still be found in the tangle of
undergrowth; and the long fronds of John Couper's Persian
date palms rustle in the breeze from the Hampton River.
Cannon' Point is now a Land Trust property. |